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제 5 호 Achievement Review of Web Version of the SM Herald

  • 작성일 2020-03-21
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 14402

Kicker: SM NEWS

Achievement Review of Web Version of the SM Herald

With a Survey from the Cheonan Campus Students

By Sarah Chae, Editor-in-Chief


  In the previous edition’s COVER STORY (https://www.smu.ac.kr/eng-newspaper/coverstory.do?mode=view&articleNo=704823#/list), the SM Herald did a check up on the web version and looked at what got better and what needs to be fixed. However, it did not include the opinions of the Cheonan campus students. Due to a mistake, the survey was not properly delivered to them. We have posted an apology letter on our Kakao Channel and Everytime platform and have decided to rewrite the article including the Cheonan campus students’ opinions. Let’s take a look at the survey results and opinions from the Cheonan campus students of SMU.

Survey Results*

Question 1: Do you know that the English magazine of Sangmyung Univ. has changed its publication method to online news?

Question 1-(1): If so, what route did you know it through?

Question 2: Do you think the Internet magazine format is better than paper magazines?

Question 2-(1): If so, why do you think the Internet article format is better than the paper magazine format?

Question 2-(2): If not, why do you prefer the paper magazine format?

  Curiously enough, 7% (included in the etc. category) of the students who answered this question said they liked the feeling/smell/atmosphere of paper. This category was not written in the answers we provided in the survey.

Question 3: Is there anything you feel uncomfortable about while reading the English magazine after it changed its format to an Internet newspaper?

Question 4: Please comment from your (a reader's) point of view about how to provide improvement of access to the Internet English magazine.

  The opinions students suggested can be sorted into ‘1 - The need for more advertising and promotions’ ‘2 - Content suggestions for the magazine,’ and ‘3 - Holding English related activities & events’. Please take a look at the graph below for more info and answers from the SM Herald.

1. More Ads and Promotions

Many students said that they found out that the SM Herald exists through the survey, and asked for more active promotions.
(1) Most students told us to use SNS accounts more frequently. The SM Herald already has some official SNS accounts. However, we see that we have not used them enough to promote the magazine. We will use SNS more and make it active so everyone can access us easily. 

Here are our SM Herald SNS Account ID’s. Add us if you are interested.

-Instagram ID: smherald9

-Kakao (Plus) Friend ID: thesmherald

-Everytime: Search for the ‘English Newspaper’ account in the ‘Group’ part of the ‘Bulletin Board’ menu.  

(2) Students suggested cooperation with the Student Council and school websites. We have, in fact, asked to add the SM Herald’s icons and banners to the school website but have been told that it is difficult to do that. However, we will send messages by Kakao Talk and text messages with the SM Herald website link.

2. Content Suggestions

Some students asked for (1) Articles with topics that are interesting/helpful/about school, (2) Reader-participating events like quizzes and word puzzles, and to (3) Add more pictures/videos, and make improvements to the web-viewer to make it easier to read. 

We will do our best to write more high quality, student-related articles, and we will discuss these topics at the idea and review meetings before and after the publishing processes.

3. English Activities and Events

Students asked us to open English activities and events. We will open an information and event booth soon, and every year around autumn (mostly November) we are holding an Essay Contest with prize money, too!

  We will keep every opinion in mind and continue to develop this online platform and the SM Herald. The SM Herald is thankful for your cooperation and support, and wish you have a great time this semester.


*‘Assessment Survey on the Sangmyung University English Internet Magazine (the SM Herald)’, Feb. 28, 2020 - Mar. 15, 2020, 228 participants (SMU Cheonan Campus Students)
